Monday, September 10, 2007

Rape is funny

Have you ever heard this, the worst advice in history: Live every day like it’s your last? Imagine that. I know that if I lived every day like it was my last, it wouldn’t last more than one day.

Here’s my itinerary for the last day of my life:

  • Wake up.
  • Quit my job.
  • Rape Jessica Alba.
  • Eat four dozen Boston creme donuts.
  • Vomit.
  • Eat another four dozen Boston creme donuts.
  • Empty out my bank account. Buy as much porn as I can afford. Watch all the porn.
  • Burn all my credit card bills.
  • Rape Jessica Alba again.
  • Head over to the White House. Urinate on President Bush.
  • Rape Scarlett Johansson.
  • Kill some people I don’t like.
  • Write my will. Nah, screw that. Rape Jessica Alba and Scarlett Johansson at the same time. Let relatives fight each other for my possessions.
  • Wait for the authorities to pick me up. Or wait to die. Whatever comes first.

The moral: If you have only one day left to live, take advantage of it.

This disgusting quote comes from this website: and I encourage anyone coming across this post that finds it as disgusting as I do to voice your opinion on his comments.

We'll start with what's wrong with it: raping women is not ok. This should be obvious but apparently it's not. If this post is to be believed, the only thing that is keeping him from raping women in his day to day life is the fact that he could get caught and get in trouble, nothing to do with destroying a woman's life and taking away her free will. After all, this is his last day to live, may as well disrespect some women more overtly than his writing suggests he already does.

The worst part, as I see it are the comments which I encourage you to check out. Seven individual comments praise him on his rape plans (1 international visitor from Argentina, even!). Out of the rest of the comments, not a one says that anything is wrong with his idea, and one makes a reference to college girls being loose, including the quote "You can't rape the willing". This is disgusting. I'm hoping this is just the sociopathic dregs of our society in internet form but I'm not holding my breath.

By the way, I left my own comment. I thought maybe one voice should speak up about the wrongness of the thing. We'll see if it gets moderated out. Now taking bets.